AKC schlimmer als VDH?

Erster Hund
Marie/Fr. Bulldogge, w. (3)
Zweiter Hund
Nushi/Jap. Akita, m. (3)
Dritter Hund
Guu/Am. Akita, w. (0.9)
Vierter Hund
5 Katzen
Die ganze Diskussion um den VDH hat mich an meinen Ärger über den american Kennel Club oder aKC erinnert. Der aKC agiert außerhalb des FCI und, typisch amerika, macht im Alleingang, was er will ohne Rücksicht auf den internationalen Schaden. Mischt Rassen, verzüchtet Rassen zu immer übleren Extremen (höher, schneller, weiter... schwerer, krüppeliger, aggressiver), und natürlich exportieren diese Züchter dann in alle Welt.

Der aKC erkennt die Trennung des Japanischen und des amerikanischen Akitas nicht an, und mischt fröhlich was die amerikaner als "Typen" bezeichnen, so wie wir den Glatthaar-Collie und den Langhaar-Collie unterscheiden. Gibt man aber "american Akita" und "Japanese Akita" in der Google-Bildersuche ein, sieht man schnell: um Himmelswillen, das ist doch nicht dieselbe Rasse :wuetend2::wuetend2::wuetend2::wuetend2:

Würde sich diese sich viel zu ernst nehmende Designer-Mischlingszüchterei innerhalb der Grenzen amerikas halten, meinetwegen. Aber Exemplare, die wie reinrassige "Modelle" einer der beiden Rassen/"Typen" aussehen, werden immer wieder an unerfahrene Züchter in der ganzen Welt exportiert und so nimmt das Übel seinen Lauf und es schleichen sich amerikanische Akitas in japanische Blutlinien.

Es mag ja sein, dass der amerikanische Akita seine Berechtigung hat, ich mag die Rasse auch. Aber er ist nicht dasselbe wie das japanische Original, Punkt.

Mit anderen Verhunzungen diverser Rassen durch amerika hab ich mich weniger auseinandergesetzt, es ist aber klar, dass das dort in großen Stil betrieben wird. Typisch amerikanisch, absolut respektlos gegenüber anderen Kulturen und internationalen Standards und Vereinbarungen.

Was meint ihr?

Mein offener Brief an den aKC:

Open Letter to the #aKC or #american_Kennel_Club

Dear aKC,

last year I loaned what was twice my paycheck to buy what looked like a wonderful Japanese #Akita puppy, an absolute rarity and a gem here in Israel: a red/fawn brindle, from the city where I, too, was born.
When I finally got his pedigree, I was absolutely excited to look up all the names. While I didn't buy him explicitely as a breed/show dog, I am a stickler for quality when it comes to the breed, not the type but the BREED, I have been passionate about since I was 13. To my horror, I found "Not recommended for breeding" written all over the pedigree, with the signature of another Akita breeder - when I say "Akita", I am referring to the original Akita, the Japanese one - who is also the studbook manager of the #Israel_Kennel_Club. I asked him what the hell that meant and he explained to me that I was not looking at a #purebred Akita.
But, since a dog of mine has been a ping pong ball in the warfare between competing breeders before, I decided to take his words with a grain of salt and do my own research. I went on #Akitapedigree.com, and typed in the names of my puppy's parents, and then clicked my way through as far back as possible.
Until one basically Japanese-looking Akita had very short fur and a rather wrinkly, way too massive face. Grimacing with dread and disgust, I clicked on his parent whose name sounded like it was chosen by one of those silly Japan-fanatics who just pick whatever Japanese words they know and no Japanese breeder would ever use. If the name was pseudo-Japanese, then most likely so was the dog. Not like "ichiban" isn't correct Japanese, the Japanese simply aren't as pompous and childish to refer to their own breeding as "Number One". I clicked. I was right. I was looking at a 90s american Akita. Pretending to hope it was just an ugly duckling in an otherwise Japanese litter, I clicked on her parent. Nah, that's american alright.
I have a mongrel. A 5000 Shekel mongrel I hadn't even paid off at the time, as I was struggling to pay his hospital bills because this little mongrel had stepped into sewage, licked it off his paw, and nearly died.

It's almost funny - if it weren't so destructive - how the AKC, too, in typical american fashion, goes rogue, throws wang upon sensible international agreements such as the breed split, and then contaminates the whole globe with the fallout. After all, it's not like you just breed for your own little american "screw the rules" amusement, no, you export these dogs, which, after a few generations, look like a purebred model of either breed (not type, BREED), all over the world, to inexperienced breeders, and then their labradoodle/mutt blood gets into all the previously good European, Israeli, etc. bloodlines. Way to destroy a breed.
I love the american Akita, I love the original Akita. Both breeds should exist. But they should not be mixed. The #FCI call themselves the global authority on canine culture for a reason, and the Japanese, who created and still treasure the breed, should have the final say in its fate, but america has a history of disrespecting other countries and cultures, Japan not low on the "Screw'em" list. So you went and pissed all over that, as you always do because #murca, #freedom and stuff.

Strictly speaking, you owe me a refund because it's under your "rules" that my dog became a mutt I can't do squat with. The IKC laughs at him, and at me, and this country is too small as to avoid the people who know about his crappy pedigree. I'm not even blaming his very passionate breeder who just seemed inexperienced and just as easily fooled as me, since none of the obviously american Akitas were listed on the parents' pedigrees - the original contamination is too far back and one set of Dead Sea Scrolls is enough for Israel.

So, yeah, like, thanks a lot for the mutt?

a designer mutt owner, courtesy of the aKC

PS Nobody get me wrong, I love my Nushi-Dog, but as I said, I'm a stickler for quality...
Oje, ich kann deinen Unmut absolut nachvollziehen und ich habe mit dem AKC auch keine guten Erfahrungen gemacht.

Mein Englisch ist gut genug, um jeden Satz in deinem Brief zu verstehen und ich finde du legst deine Meinung gut verständlich dar. Nur sind deine Worte teilweise schon sehr harsch, aber vielleicht war das ja von deiner Seite beabsichtigt.
Das ist mein Basiston, wenn ich nicht im Kundendienst-Modus bin :happy33:
GLS hat von mir gestern eine etwas unhöflichere Mail bekommen...ich neige auch zu leichter Boshaftigkeit wenn Leute vom Kundenservice einen verarschen...

Den Ärger über den akc kann ich verstehen...ist schlimm zu sehen wenn einiges kaputt gezüchtet wird, der American Bully ist ja nun auch eher ein furchtbares bemitleidenswertes etwas...
Oder "Extreme Bulldog". Dass die Viecher nicht in der Mitte durchbrechen....

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